Pool deck takes a new meaning
Israeli company, AGOR Engineering Enterprises Ltd. has invented a moveable floor system for swimming pools. This takes the word ‘pool deck’ to a new level. The moveable floors uses a water-based hydraulic system and stainless steel floor deck. The hydraulic system allows the pool floor and thus water level to be adjusted in... Read more
Concrete Canvas(TM)
Concrete Canvas is a flexible concrete impregnated fabric that hardens on hydration to form a thin, durable water proof and fire-resistant concrete layer.  The makers describe them as “concrete on a roll” Concrete Canvas (CC) allows concrete construction without the need for plant or mixing equipment. Simply position the Canvas... Read more
Artificial Light that looks like the real deal
An Italian company CoeLux has produced a light fixture that mimics sunlight using LED and nanotechnology. CoeLux is founded by Italian Professor Paolo Di Trapani. The LED used is calibrated to the same wavelength as sun, but to produce the effects of sunlight we are accustomed to, Professor Paolo Di Trapani... Read more
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