Inter-locking bricks Inter-locking bricks
Touted as a brick system that can bring speed, lower cost, better aesthetics, is Inter-Locking bricks the way forward? The concept of interlocking bricks is... Inter-locking bricks

Touted as a brick system that can bring speed, lower cost, better aesthetics, is Inter-Locking bricks the way forward?

The concept of interlocking bricks is based on following principles:

  • Each brick is shaped with projecting and depressed parts, (think of LEGO toy bricks), allowing them to be aligned horizontally and vertically –  nearly eliminating the need for  special masonry skills.
  • Bricks are laid dry, no mortar is required at each course.
  • Every brick has vertical holes, to reduce the weight of the brick, and allows steel rods to be inserted for reinforcement and mortar grout to be poured in to increase wall stability.

Check out the numerous videos by Malaysia Inter-locking Brick to gain a better understanding of the advantages of this system.


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