Glued Laminated Timber and Cross Laminated Timber Glued Laminated Timber and Cross Laminated Timber
Glued Laminated Timber (Glulam) and Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) are engineered wood solutions. They are structural timber products which can be used d as vertical columns or... Glued Laminated Timber and Cross Laminated Timber

Glued Laminated Timber (Glulam) and Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) are engineered wood solutions. They are structural timber products which can be used d as vertical columns or horizontal beams, as well as curved, arched shapes.

Glulam is produced with the grain aligned in one direction. Glulam is predominantly used for structural beams. Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) comprises of layers of wood stacked cross-wise and bonded with structural adhesives. CLT is used for walls, floors and roofs. Both are prefabricated in factories to precise specifications, then joined on-site with simple connections using hand tools to form complete structures.

In 2014, SCDF revised its Fire Code to allow the use of such materials for structural components after thoroughly examining its safety. However they stipulated that such materials can only be used for buildings less than 24metres.

CLT and Glulam as a building material promises to improve productivity by being a ‘finished’ product that is brought onto a worksite to be installed or assembled, reducing the amount of labour on site.

In 2016, the Nayang Technological University (NTU) will complete its new sports hall using Glulam for its roof beams and CLT for the sports hall.


More info from the BCA site or this article by Lendlease


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